




Logistics & Warehousing

Piab manufactures highly efficient products that span all aspects of material handling in fulfillment and distribution centers. Our automated solutions help to optimize bin picking, parcel and package handling, palletizing and de-palletizing.

E-commerce and automated warehouses

Within fast-moving e-commerce, automatic shuttles or automatic guided vehicles bring the goods to the order picking station, where objects are either placed in standard cases/boxes or the objects are kept in their original packaging. Piab offers tailor-made vacuum grippers, vacuum systems and components to help increase your automation efficiency within your operations.

What Piab offers

  • Reliability: innovative grippers with an exceptional grip on thousands of combinations of products and parts
  • Optimized operations: all our solutions are made to increase your automation and improve your energy efficiency
  • Speed: with Piab's vacuum systems we enable you to improve your operation's speed due to our responsive gripping technology

Palletizing and de-palletizing

Almost anything in the world that is being shipped will at some point sit on a pallet. We have an immense offering of products that fit your palletizing and de-palletizing needs, whether it’s to place an object on the pallet or remove an object. All tools are designed to secure that your operations run with the highest efficiency, are low maintenance, safe, and that no goods or humans are injured in the process.

What Piab offers

  • Reliability: our End Of Arm Tools are created to ensure safe operations pallet after pallet
  • Speed: with Piab's palletizing solutions we enable you to improve your operation's speed due to our responsive gripping technology
  • Improved uptime: maintenance is simple and kept to a minimum, giving you time back


Right time, right place. This motto is key when securing that your material, components, and parts are ready for the next process step. All your intralogistics can be fully automated thanks to vacuum automation, conveyor systems, automated guided vehicle solutions, kitting robots, pick and place stations, and sorting stations. Piab offers a large variety of solutions to enable efficient and reliable vacuum automation within intralogistics.

What Piab offers

  • Innovation: utilizing best in class components, ergonomic lifters, and End Of Arm Tooling we can help you optimize any production line
  • Reliability: our solutions will help you secure that the right products are at the right place in your plant
  • Customization: our wide offering of modular components can be adapted for your operation's needs

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